Bisse de Bodmeri - Niwa


This bisse dates from 1915 and was built to replace the original Bisse de Niwa. At the end of the trail of the Bodmeri, one can visit the guardian’s hut for the Bisse de Niwa and follow the vertiginous bridges which were built on the old path of the Bisse de Niwa. 


Total length : Approximately 9 km from Visperterminen

Altitude : Between 1700 and 1600 metres.

Route time : Approximately 3 hours from Visperterminen in a loop 

Location :  Visperterminen, to the left of the Rhône, above Vsp. 

Difficulty : No particular difficulty.

Ordinance Survey map 1 : 50'000  no. 274 T Viège (Visp).

Best period : June to October.

This bisse contains water from early April to mid-September.